What a night. Mittens goes down, POTUS back for four more years and Warren going to replace Senator Centerfold.
Category Archives: Politics
Knock on the door
Sunday afternoon Jay and I were sitting in the office and we heard a knock on the door. Given that hardly anybody just “drops by” apartment seeing as you need to be buzzed into the building, Jay and I shot each other a puzzled look.
The two of us had slept in that day and even though it was past 2:00, we were sill in our PJs. I was a little hesitant to go answer the door in my crazy-bed-hair state, but curiosity got the best of me. So, I headed down. As I got to the stair well, I called out “Hello?” before I opened the door. (It would be nice if we had a peephole.) A young woman’s voice returned and said. “Hi, I’m Allie* [see note below] and I’m with the Massachusetts Democratic Party” This was my first time getting a visit from the get-out-the-vote machine since college. The door swung open: suddenly I didn’t care I a looked like a hot mess. Continue reading
Best Endorsement Ever
Joss Whedon has come out to endorse Mitt Romney late in the 2012 election cycle. With just a few days left to Election Day, it remains to be seen how Whedon’s endorsement will sway the uninfected…
Mitt Romney is a very different candidate; one with the vision and determination to cut through business-as-usual-politics and finally put this country back on track for the zombie apocalypse. … The one percent will no longer be the very rich, it will be the very fast. Anyone who can run, fight, make explosives out of household objects or especially do barkour of any kind, you’ll wanna stick with them, unless they read Ayn Rand.