Andrew Mannone

About Andrew Mannone

Andrew is a publishing technologist with a focus on Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Workflow. (See About Work page) He's a Photoshop jockey, self-proclaimed geek, and politics junkie. He runs the site, DAMagedWorkflow, a blog about his adventures in DAM. An photography enthusiast, Andrew is the proud owner of a Canon 7D DSLR camera that compliments his PowerShot G9 and two film camera — Canon Elan 7e and Canon AE-1 Program. He resides in Brighton, MA with his fiancé, Jay. If you'd like to contact, Andrew please drop him a line on the Contact Page

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

It is time for one of Boston’s great blood sports. No, not the Red Sox in the playoffs. And no, this isn’t about the Pats either. This is all about the great September 1st move date.

A period of time that strikes fear in the most hardened of Bostonians. The infamous date marks that time of year when the single greatest apartment shuffle happens city wide. And it’s all because of the college students. Continue reading

Let’s redefine pregnancy in a state budget. Yeah, let’s!

Last night Rachel Maddow covered some sneaky tactics used by the GOP to impose new anti-abortion laws in Ohio using the state budget. This made me so mad I almost threw stuff at the TV screen.

None of the items covered are particularly new… Redefinition of when pregnancy begins, forced ultrasounds that the patient has to pay for, prepared statements the state compels providers to read aloud to patients. What is new here is that the GOP used the state budget to get these in all hush-hush like. It circumvented any debate or conversation as to why these provisions were needed in a state budget.


The Great Boston Snowpocalypse of 2013

This page will be all about links, sites, sounds and other bits from the blizzard. I’ll be updating the page periodically during the night and day on Saturday.

Some useful information to keep handy:

A Turkey Day Tradition

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. What a year it’s been there has been much to be thankful for but also some loss this year. I did want to take just a moment and tell you about my silly little Turkey Day Tradition. Continue reading